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Habits of the Mind

Habits of the Mind


Through the assigned annotation of various text, I have learned how to be more curious about the things I have to read. The annotations usually require that you make a connection to other text or to your own lives and by doing this, 've become more curious about how the text applies to life outside of the writing class.


Through watching Kilbourne's lecture, Killing Us Slowly, I learned how to look at how advertisements are indeed slowly killing us. I have never seen advertisements as harmful; even advertisements that garnered a lot of criticism from the public, I've never really had a problem with. Her lecture opened up my mind to see how toxic advertisements can be and idea will stick with me when I watch advertisements from now on.


Through out the first 3 weeks of Writing 39A, I've been able to become more engaged in my learning. In many of my classes, I learn just enough to get by, but because requires a lot of engagement in order to succeed, it has pressured me to be more engaged in my work. I've become more involved in my learning by doing the assignments as they require a level of engagements to complete. Especially with text annotations, they have helped me to be more engaged with the lesson by connecting it to my own life.


Through the Wix website, I've been able to increase my creativity. I've not a creative person and personally don't really have a care for art, but doing this website has pushed me out of my area of comfort and made me explore my more creative side. Yes, many aspects of the website are based on a template, but it's the little things that are my own ideas that show my growth as a creative person.


I have grown in my persistence as I fought through to finish the grammar lessons assigned weekly. These lessons can be quite long and draining considering I keep on missing the same questions, but I push myself every week to finish them.


I have grown in my flexibility as I adapted to having a heavier workload for the quarter. This writing class has a lot of work compared to my other classes, so I learned how to adapt and be flexible to finish my assignments on time.


With the biweekly deadlines, I learned how to be responsible in finishing my assignments on time. Having online assignments, like the ones on Connect, have taught me to be responsible with my learning because I have to focus on the task at hand and make it my own responsibility to learn the material instead of just finishing assignments.

Metacognition (reflection)

Reflection has been a big part of the class as reflecting on the week's work on our blogs allow us to grow in our writing. By posting on these blogs, we are recording our progress and allowing for us to look back and see where we began and how we can improve.

4 opmerkingen

Baiyu Wang
Baiyu Wang
01 feb. 2021

I think we share a similar perspective on creativity. Through creating let me master a new skill set, we not only need to understand how to operate the page, but also need to think about how to make our typography artistic.


Yian Lin
Yian Lin
01 feb. 2021

Hi Vivian! I agree that creating this website is very helpful for increasing creativity. I have never designed a website before, so I have the same feeling that this assignment push me out of my comfort zone and requires me to be more creative.


31 jan. 2021

Hi Vivian! I agree with your idea about the connection between real life and lesson, which can help us have a clearer understanding of the main concept of the article. Also, I have never imagined how could advertisements influence people's thought before watching the video killing us slowly. It really shocked me, and make me know the importance of it.


Cuiwen Zhou
Cuiwen Zhou
30 jan. 2021

Hi, Vivian! I found a lot of similarities between our reflections, especially the "metacognition" part. Writing blogs really helped me reflect on the progress. They also make me take on more engagement and responsibility about my learning.


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